“I’m so excited about the new and expanding studios coming to the UK to accommodate the need for high quality streaming content and I intend to position myself as one of the top working directors within this burgeoning industry”

Born and raised in Margate, Kent, Lee studied film tech in Leicester while also training with an actor mentoring programme. He later got his teaching degree and was a lecturer in film and drama across various universities and colleges in London and Kent.

He started his own production company as the digital revolution took off and ended up making brand films and commercials as well as mini docs and music videos. His work has been shown on ITV, the Disney Channel and he has worked with brands such as Budweiser, McDonalds and Paddy Power. This started with just him as a self shooter doing all client meetings, production and post production duties but built into teams of upwards of 20.

Most recently in production he has been fortunate enough to work with a lot of film-makers from disadvantaged and minority backgrounds. Helping them to find a voice has inspired Lee to tell stories with confidence knowing that they are well researched and represented both in front of and behind the camera and that stories are told with empathy and an eye for different lenses of interpretation.

As an actor he has starred in various Films and TV productions most noticeably the DC series Pennyworth where he played villain Vic Dobson over a number of episodes. The experience of acting is always about being extremely well prepared but then on a shoot day being able to go with the energy of a scene where appropriate, another attribute Lee is not afraid to take into his directing work.

“It’s always such a privilege to me to have experienced high profile sets as both an actor and a director and it really informs my approach and philosophy”

After completion of his second project AGAIN during the covid lockdown, Lee decided it was time to marry all the things he had been learning for two decades permanently in his day job and set out full time as a director of TV and Film.

Photo Credits

On set photos -James Soules

RUBY BABY screenshots DOP - Owain Wilson

AGAIN screenshots DOP - Craig Longman

AGAIN movie poster - Jamie Beal

THIS WAY OF LIFE screenshots DOP - Tracer Ital and Sean Brady