A post-apocalyptic fairy-tale fantasy written and directed by Lee with a musical score and general feel of 1980’s dystopian nostalgia. The story skips between the present day where an artefact has been found to a post-apocalyptic version of the world where trouble lurks around every corner. But has this all happened before or is it all about to happen AGAIN?

AGAIN (2021)

AGAIN teaser trailer (2021)

“The aim here was not to create a realistic survival story. It’s a moving comic book; a parable.”

AGAIN was really conceived as a proof of concept for a British sci-fi series. Growing up on the South East coast of England, Lee had often fantasised about how the landscape of the beach and cliffs felt post-apocalyptic. This led to the development of a story which drew on biblical and religious references from across the globe at different eras in human evolution.

The characters here show up in both the present day and the timeline of this ruined Earth. In one time we are heading towards a post-apocalyptic event and in another we are rebuilding after it. It’s like the ripple effect of the event is causing it to be felt across time and generations. The TV series will bounce between the two timelines with a tone akin to a combination of LOST and HEROES with it’s own post-modern spin.

Lee again took on post-production duties here and oversaw the writing of the 1980’s inspired synth score.

“I became very interested in the concept of Hauntology. Being haunted by visions of the future that never came to pass. Being a child of the 1980’s I wanted to give this a taste of that feeling’.

AGAIN had its premiere in 2021 and attracted the attention of the CEO of disruptive VFX company COVERT who offered their resources to create a pitch deck in development for the extended series. The original film will soon be streaming across multiple platforms and territories.

The story was something that you could see had this epic scale beyond most people’s short films. Lee just had this sense of what he wanted to see and it was my job get him there
— Giles Toller - Visual Effects Artist