Directed by Lee and adapted from an existing screenplay, Ruby Baby tells the story of a woman looking for answers from a collection of letters she has found from her past. What we uncover is a history of neglect and abuse which still resonates in the present.

RUBY BABY teaser trailer for festivals (2019)

“His letters to Ruby were like diaries…”

Ruby Baby (2019, 24 mins) was shot over the course of two weeks across numerous locations. In order to make the deadline for festival season the production was meticulously planned and storyboarded and Lee shot for the coverage of his edit efficiently with a crew of ten. He edited and graded the film himself and assisted with the production of the score and sound mix to ensure that the mood and tone of the film were consistent.

Over the course of it’s 24 minute run time Ruby Baby bounces between the past, which builds a slow burn of tension where the threat of violence is never far away, to the present where Lee navigates the tone to balance the dark with lighter, stranger dark comedy moments. The final scenes builds to a crescendo of action which is then countered with some deeply moving revelations.

The film had it’s premiere at the renowned IVY in London and has since won over 18 awards globally most notably winning Best Director, Best Picture and Best Dark Comedy at the Los Angeles Film Awards and Best Fiction Short at the American Golden Picture International Film Festival.